November 29, 2011

How To Give Yourself The Best Blowjob of Your Life - advanced Autofellatio or Fellatio Mastery

Sexuality is especially pleasurable and enjoyable when we neglect the scientific and technical aspect of it. Instead, when we enjoy sex, simply for the sake of enjoyment, it tends to be the most pleasurable, dynamic, and rewarding.

However, there are things we can learn, through science, to best improve our sexual experiences. A great example of this type of facts can be very helpful with oral sex. While this description is meant for autofellatio (for men), the material can be applicable to other forms of fellatio.

[Absolute Pressure Sensors]

A few things we want to eye are Sensory Input, Timing, and Creativity.

Sensory Input:

Understanding how the penis receives physical stimulation, through sensory input, is important. However, we don't need to get into the neurological buildings and pathways of this system. What is more foremost to understand, from a layman's point-of-view, is the vast array of sensors in the penis that retort to different types of stimuli and relay different types of perceived sensation (to the individual).

These types of sensors retort to many different forms of stimulus. Dream your basic sense organs: Seeing, Touch, Taste, etc. All of these sensors pick up facts and allow your body to function properly (and survive) in three-dimensional space (on planet Earth, for example).

The penis has similar types of sensors, just like our basic senses. However, they are different in the manner of their perception relative to the basic sensors (and some similar). Some of these sensors retort to light touch and some to hard touch. Some retort to degrees of deformation of the skin on the penis (for example, the penile skin being stretched). Some retort to vibration, temperature, pressure, two-point discrimination, and all things else you can imagine.

When the penile nerves are stimulated, these sensors relay the feelings (based on sensations) that a man will physically believe he is perceiving (he surely feels nothing, as it is all generated by the mind as an illusion of pleasure-stimulation). The key is to insight what portions of the penis retort to what form of stimulation, based on their sensors. You see, this is important, because not all men are wired the same, some men may have damaged or weak sensors, and some men may be lacking the proper neuro-chemicals (through poor diet, for example) to properly "set off" such receptors.

Typically the most sensitive area of a man's member are the frenulum and the foreskin. Men who are circumcised are typically left with the glans (head) being the most sensitive. Many times the frenulum is damaged or destroyed while circumcision, so this should be taken into account, too.

With some exertion and feedback from your own penis, one can practice stimulating different areas of the penis, individually, and in different ways to get an idea of how a specific penis is wired for sensation. If one can autofellate, this is the best method, as it allows us to experiment through our tongues, mouths, and lips what types of stimuli generate the best results. If one is unable to autofellate, a partner can help with mapping out your sensitive areas and it can also be done (by oneself) through utilizing battery-powered vibrators (with adjustable frequencies for creating different degrees of vibratory stimulation), tuning forks (of different frequencies), ice cubes, heated objects, rough objects, level objects, metal objects, sticky objects, painful objects, ceramic objects, etc. Even degrees of saliva thickness and texture can be felt and measured by the penis of most men. Is this truly wonderful or what?

By taking the time out to truly learn how a man's organ is going to retort through these different stimuli, allows a man (or partner) to get the best idea of how to go about orally stimulating these receptors while fellatio.


Timing is also of utmost importance. The timing we speak of, at this juncture, has to do with the "re-loading" capability of these nerve receptors. What happens, in a generalized sense, is that some sort of stimuli (pressure, temperature, etc.) is applied to a nerve receptor or a group of the same nerve receptors. A lot of these receptors are mechanical in origin, meaning that an external physical deformation (through stimulation) sets off the sensor. Since these are typically chemo-mechanical in origin, once the receptor is "set off" it takes differing amounts of time to "re-load" the sensor. In other words, the (external) mechanical stimuli triggers the receptor and the chemicals (therein) trigger the perceived "sensation." Once these chemicals are depleted or denatured, the sensor will fail to respond.

What this means is that by stimulating one type of receptor even once, for example, means that it may not be able to "re-load" and retort for minutes, hours, or even days later. This means that once those receptors have been triggered, that they may or may not be ready for triggering again while the act of fellatio. This is a very foremost plan to comprehend and remember.

Some receptors re-load automatically and can trigger indefinitely. A good analogy is a person's sweat glands. Most of the sweat glands in the body are constantly being fed through the blood stream. Which means that as long as one is in a hot environment, and has abundance of fluid intake, that they will sweat indefinitely. However, the sweat glands under the arms and in the groinal region are different. These more "aromatic" sweat glands typically take 24-hours to recharge. So, once these glands have been triggered, they typically will fail to generate this type of sweat for someone else day. This is why these sweat glands are used for "scent" and not for cooling off of the body.

With Timing on our mind and penile stimulation, we need to thought about map out the receptors of the penis and decide which sensations can be surely re-loaded or are more difficult to re-load. This is where Timing surely comes into play. As an example, maybe there are sensory receptors under the rim of the penile head that surely set this single penis off... Truly, this area will send this guy to the Moon. However, these very sensitive and intense sensors should not be set off immediately while fellatio. Instead, it is best to preserve/reserve them until the end of the fellating session as it nears; in this way they can be stimulated for the real "icing on the cake" to make the orgasm as explosive as possible.

Again, it is worth mapping-out and discovering which receptors and how often these receptors can be triggered. insight this sense of "timing" will allow one the opening to accomplish the most anticipated orgasms possible. Again, each man is different, so a minuscule homework is needed.


This aspect is simply a compilation of Timing and Sensory Input. By insight how these methods work, allows a framework to stimulate them under. Utilizing this framework to its maximum potential, through creativity, will generate the most anticipated of orgasms. Studying how to mix and match stimuli is the process of creative fellatio.

For example, maybe a man has medium-re-loading/moderate-inducive penile-shaft receptors. This would tell us that a medium-based sucking function (of the shaft) would best be distinguished for the initial phase of fellatio, then this stimulation should be halted, and then, perhaps, resumed toward the end of the session. It also might work as something for the start, middle, and end of the session.

The foremost factor to comprehend (in this example and in all aspects of fellatio) is that if one performs a moderate-sucking on the shaft of the penis while the whole policy of the blowjob, then halfway through the session, the man is not likely to feel much sensation or stimulation from this sucking action. Instead, by splitting this stimulation up into different segments of time, allows the vigor of providing this type of stimulation to work at its absolute best. If not, then one will be sucking the shaft while periods of time where/when the man won't feel any sensation from the action.

Understanding the creative aspect will allow us to apply different sensations, at different times, to get the most intense feelings of satisfaction that can maybe be generated. This is not as difficult as it seems. It just takes some perception, time, and plan to apply timing and sensory inputs in the absolute and most advantageous fellatio-sequencing patterns.

It is also a great way to learn about our own sexual triggers (or those of a partner).

Visting Autofellatio - Autofellatio is the act of being able to accomplish fellatio on oneself. History has left us abundance of clues that characterize that this form of sexuality was allinclusive and practiced in all parts of the world while earlier times. The key ingredient in being able to autofellate is increased flexibility of the spine (and other joints). This helps allow the human frame the range-of-motions that are needed to accomplish this task. Women, too, can appreciate the same manner of self-based oral sex by a practice called autocunnilingus.

Understanding the best ways to neurological stimulate a penis is a priceless recipe in creating the highest degree of sexual satisfaction while fellatio. It also allows men, through the vehicle of autofellation, the capability to eye degrees of sexual satisfaction that are impossible to eye in any other manner. When a man truly understands, perceives, and comprehends exactly how he responds to different oral stimuli, and when he can replicate this stimulation on himself, it opens up a world of sexual satisfaction that cannot be properly defined through mere words. Or, to put it someone else way, it has to personally be experienced before one can maybe understand it.

Kimi Kalfino

How To Give Yourself The Best Blowjob of Your Life - advanced Autofellatio or Fellatio Mastery

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